tirsdag den 21. februar 2012

37 hours

Yes, that IS how it looks
Hello there again my dear reader! It is a pleasure to be writing again, because I really do love to write but the life on this school is so awesome that I forget. Well I am home from New York City in one piece but got an awful stomach infection from a disgustin Pastrami Sandwich! Yeah, now we're talking New York City... I got an I LOVE NY t-shirt, some Crest, Skittles in all flavors, a cap and a pimp suit! The trip was fantastic and I will surely never forget it!

What I wanted to tell you today is my story of yesterday! You see, the phenomenon of being up all night is peculiar thing to try, and that is probably why people do it, unless they are at an awesome party, rockin' all night long.
Two days ago when I came to the school we were only three boys in the room because Jeff was home to get his vagina checked at the doctor. Well it got pretty late and Mads fell asleep. Me and Laurits still talked and I think it was about 3:30 AM we decided to stay up all night despite of the fear for f**ing up at school the next day, and we did it! Heres a list of things we did:

  • Talked
  • Facebook (nothing was to do because nobody was online, duh)
  • Stared into a wall
  • Watching episodes of Big Bang Theory
Now I will not recommend this, because it was awfully boring at some times because the lights were of all the time as Mads was sleeping. But that night is a night to remember!

The next day I was suprisingly NOT tired at all! I was up all day and actually (almost) lived like it was normal day. 
When I finally laid back and slept, I had been awake for 37 hours! I was pretty proud!

                          And pleace don't show this to a teacher from my school because in that case....
                              I'm f**ked!


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