tirsdag den 14. februar 2012


Hello! Long time no see! I have been doing some awesome things here in New York so I have not been given a chance to blog! But now I will tell you some of the things I've been doin'!
Well two days ago the qlimax of the day was probably the brunch! It was the most crazy and mindblowing brunch ever! And you might think; "Niels... Brunch is sooo overrated!", but no. That brunch was crazy as f**k! The restaurant is called The View and is located at Times Sq. and rotates so you get the whole view of Manhattan meanwhile you enjoy your meal! The food was so crazy and I felt like I could explode so full I was! 

That day we also went to Central Park, 110th street, Trinity Church, Wall Street and the Empire State Building! What a day huh? My legs almost started to come off! That sh*t aint healthy!

The next day we visited HARLEM!! You know the place where all the black people live! I was scared as hell all the time! Some of these guys are crazy gangsters that are pimpin', hustlin', killin' and makin' the wrong kinds of monaaaay! I bought a suit there. A suit that will make me look like a pimp! But as you know - That's Harlem!

The people of Harlem stand in line to write their names on the sorrow list for Whitney Houston! Meanwhile they can buy the thousand t-shirts with her face on it that were displayed EVERYWHERE!

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