søndag den 5. februar 2012

Doing fine among the ladies

By this time of year of the people around me have found love. Love is blooming around my school, (I live at my school among the other students) and people tend to fall in love severel times and some even start relationships. Except me and the other loners. I am not trying to say that I need some love and care or that I am tired of being sinlge, because I LOVE being single!
This post is actually just a collection of tips to WOO the ladies or boys, based on what I have experienced other students do at my school. Here you go.

First of all; set a goal. You may come to realise that you can not pull off a chick that has a boyfriend or a chick you do not talk to at all, so make sure you know the person well, before you let your feelings grow.
Next step would be to talk to the girl in a way so that she knows that you want to get out of the friendzone! A good start could be a kicka** pickup line like these:
  • Hey babe are you a broom? Because you swept my feet of the ground!
  • Hey honey, you tired? No? Just because you have been running through my mind all night.
  • What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper.
  • Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? 
  • Your eyes are as blue as my toilet water at home.
  • Hey girl, you wanna give birth to all my f**king children!
Once you have that done, she should be all set and you have to give her your heart. And remember that this not just any heart, it is a heart shaped box with chocolates in it! You simply ask her if she loves you and if she sees the box of chcolates first, she will say yes! (women loves them some f**cking chocolate). Or you can dump her if she says no (they only say no, if they haven't seen the chocolate), and then after that, show her the box and tell her that she would have gotten it if she said yes and then laugh at her when she regrets she said no, because she wants the F**CKING CHOCOLATE!!! And then try on some other girl. Now these steps have all been testet and I tell you, if this does not get you love. Nothing will.


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